Thursday, July 31, 2014

My Art: Past to Present

I was looking through my old art the other night because I've been feeling discouraged about my work. I found things I've done when I first started digital art floating around my Facebook pictures and just CRINGED at it. I thought I should share works from all those years ago and say shit about them.

Okay, so..The first one I found was...........

One More Month...

Today is July 31st and I feel like my summer is seeping through my fingers as I try to hang onto my childhood hometown and friends. August 31st, I move into my college dorm. I'm moving into an area where I know absolutely no one. I'm moving to an area that is 3 hours away from my family and loved ones. In a way, I'm sad but at the same time, its liberating. Sure, I'm going to miss my family but I'm getting an opportunity to live my life as I want it and to study my childhood dream. Negative feelings will never be forever linked into my brain due to all the pain I've experienced in this small town. I have a chance to create good memories without worrying about something that happened three years ago.

The reason I made this blog is to share my future experiences in a new location but also do a countdown to college. I'm thinking about posting once a week until college starts, telling about what I do and my prep for those days ahead. As of today, my new camera came in the mail; a Canon EOS Rebel T3. I need one for my major. My major is 'Entertainment Design' with a concentration in animation and we're doing units on stop-motion but also, I need to film videos to study the movement of objects so I can duplicate that with my art. This camera seems so legit to me because I never really had a legit digital camera like this. ITS SO FANCY. I also love how the manual for it is about a centimeter thick. It tells you how to do things step by step and oh my word....

This next month, I'm buying the rest of the things I need for college. So far I have bedding, towels, some toiletries, and some school supplies. SO MANY PENS. I fucking love pens so I don't regret buying like...a zillion of them. Half of them are from Japan and they're perfection. They write smooth, the colors are vibrant, and its comfortable to write with. Also, when did this turn into a pen review? I mean, why shouldn't it be? It could be a valuable post for many people who enjoy pens. Also, I thought I could find nice pens when looking up pen porn like you do when you look up food porn..yeah...DON'T DO THAT.

Anywho, I'm going to post next week and update you guys on my life which of right now its waking up at 3 PM, playing Borderlands 2, having dinner, watching GameGrumps, playing Garry's Mod or Left 4 Dead 2 with my friends, watching more GameGrumps, play more Borderlands 2, and pass out. I do have some funny screenshots I want to share with you guys. Prepare your retinas...

(That gun is SO good. The stats are a lie and it does about 22,000 damage for me)

(My New Left 4 Dead 2 Spray)
Alright, I'm done with this entry...I think I might make one more tonight because I have an excellent idea for, I'll think about it.